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Sakshi Singhal

Dy Manager

CONTACT NO: 080-2217 8357

EMAIL: sakshi[at]antrix[dot]co[dot]in

The Indian National Satellite system (INSAT / GSAT) is one of the largest domestic communication satellite systems in Asia-Pacific region. Established in 1983 with commissioning of INSAT-1B, it initiated a major revolution in India’s communications sector. Through INSAT/GSAT fleet of satellites, Antrix enables Satellite Communication based services predominantly covering the Indian region. Antrix provides satellite based services for a multitude of applications like Television Broadcasting (TV), Direct to Home (DTH), Digital Satellite News Gathering (DSNG), Mobile communications (MSS) and Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) in S band, Ext. C, C and Ku band. On a commercial basis, Antrix is serving more than 100 Indian users, across a wide cross section of private, public, government and strategic sectors. In addition to above, Antrix provisions capacity on short term lease from various international vendors to address the demand of Indian users.

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Sakshi Singhal

Dy Manager

  • 080-2217 8357
  • sakshi[at]antrix[dot]co[dot]in